Wobbler Program
Our Wobbler and Toddler rooms are for children ages 1-3 years old. We are mindful of a toddlers needs and interests. We strive to give the child the learning opportunities they deserve. We focus on providing routines, while encouraging sharing and independence.

Staff/Child ratio is 1:4
We always keep a ratio of one teacher to four children in our classroom.
Our classroom is another step to learn skills. Whether that is mentally or physically, we want to see your child succeed. Our teachers aim to get our wobblers to use their voice and become independent, caring individuals.
Here is a outlined schedule of our day. We know that children strive with routines, so we aim to follow as closely as possible.
Outside time:
We want our children to get outside and get fresh air as much as possible. Our wobbler room plays in our covered playground. Our playground has something for everyone. Whether is it a toy, chalk, or a buggy, all get to play. On nice days, we use a rope with straps and walk around our neighborhood. The class like to go across the street to the courthouse gardens to play.